When is it Time to See a Spine Specialist in Miramar?

Spine Specialists Miramar

When is it Time to See a Spine Specialist in Miramar?

Millions of Americans are plagued by back pain, and sometimes this pain can become too much to handle. At Florida Pain Center, we’re here to help treat your spine pain with nonsurgical solutions. There are many causes of spine pain, and visiting a spine specialist in Miramar is your first step in getting control of your spine pain. If you’re dealing with pain that may not even be in your back, it may still be caused by spinal issues. At Florida Pain Center, we’re here to help. 

What issues can a spine specialist in Miramar address?

Spine problems can start at any age, and they can vary in severity and duration. At Florida Pain Center, we’re here to address many types of spine problems. For example, we can may be able to address a wide variety of spine and back problems, including: 

  • A constant ache 
  • Pain that worsens after sitting 
  • Pain that comes and goes randomly  
  • Pain that extends to the feet 
  • Pain that moves to the buttocks  
  • Pain in the legs 
  • Neck pain 
  • Shoulder pain 
  • Pain that makes it difficult to move 

These problems and painful situations can be caused by many different issues throughout the spine. For example, a pinched nerve may cause debilitating pain. Herniated discs can cause pain as well, and swelling is another issue. Getting to the bottom of the cause and source of your pain starts by visiting our spine specialist in Miramar.  

At Florida Pain Center, we use a variety of techniques to help pinpoint the source of your spine pain. For example, steroid injections at varying spaces in the spine may help pinpoint the source of your spine pain. If an injection in one specific spot relieves your spine pain, it’s easy to determine the source of that pain. 

Can a spine specialist in Miramar treat my spine pain?

In addition to locating the source of your spine issues, our team at Florida Pain Center can help treat your spine pain. Our spine specialist in Miramar uses a nonsurgical approach to addressing your spine pain, working with a variety of treatments. Some of our most popular spine pain solutions include: 

  • Trigger Point Injections 
  • IDET 
  • Prolotherapy 
  • Lumbar Sympathetic Block 
  • Medical Branch Block 
  • Facet Joint Injections 
  • & More 

There are many ways our skilled spine specialists can address your spine pain in Miramar. If you’re ready to push spine pain out of the way, it starts by calling on our team at Florida Pain Center. Call us today to get to the bottom of your spine pain issues.  

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